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Please visit Instagram @wholocymatics for the latest designs and creations 

For customized assistance please request a 15 min consultation 


  • Approx. 50mm (2") Diameter
  • Newly Updated Core Elements 
  • Jewelry Grade Non Toxic Resin
  • Laser Cut Wooden Tray Essential Oil Diffuser
  • Natural Photoluminescent Glow (Wholocymatics was the first to use photonic straws in Bioenergetic wearables)


The greatest shield we have is the joy and love that flows through us when we are in service to others and the All That Is. The Wholoshield's main function is to activate and reinforce our own natural force field. This field, generated by twin opposing counter-rotating vorteces, is known as the "morphogenetic field" or the "aura."


The Wholoshield is a homeopathic conglomerate through which the body can tap into various positive signals to create balance based on what it needs. Like the spectrum of a rainbow, if the body is missing a certain hue, the shield would have an available signal of that missing hue and supplement it energetically. The Wholoshield is intricately layered by hand in a specific 8 tier order that produces a unique shielding effect similar to the Meisner Field Effect through which coherent frequencies are broadcast using synergistic elements infused with sacred spiritual currents and scalar imprinting. Unlike orgonite, the Wholoshield will not create pranic backflow when worn and does not contain heavy metals used to attract inchoherent frequencies in regular orgonite devices.


Upon first wearing your Wholoshield you may experience a sudden shift of energy or "flush" as they call it. This is the Wholoshield effect aligning and balancing your energy centers as it integrates and merges with your field. Some may experience a release of stagnant energy in the form of emotional release or a sudden bout of joy or uncontrollable laughter as the energy current opens up closed channels and re-establishes coherent circuitry. After the integration phase many report a sense of calm and groundedness as the initial intensity of the integration subsides. Energetic response to the Wholoshield varies depending on the individual's energetic makeup and sensitivity.


It is suggested to wear a wholoshield in the bridging tones of the energy centers. These are the places in between the main centers.


To customize an order and get on waitlist, please message or @Wholocymatics on Instagram. for payment details. 


Online Orders, no longer available. 


Wholoshield 3.0

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