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What is a Wholoshield?​

​The Wholoshield is a homeopathic conglomerate through which the body can tap into various positive signals to create balance based on what it needs. Like the spectrum of a rainbow, if the body is missing a certain hue, the shield would have an available signal of that missing hue and supplement it energetically. The Wholoshield is intricately layered by hand in a specific 8 tier order that produces a unique Meisner Field Effect through which coherent frequencies are broadcast using synergistic elements infused with sacred spiritual currents and scalar imprinting. Unlike orgonite, the Wholoshield will not create pranic backflow when worn.



What can it do?


  • May entrain Alpha/Theta brainwave states

  • May be used to charge and structure water

  • Naturally radiates Far-Infrared energy (FIR), a positive healing form of radiation found in nature

  • Enables Residence Absorption of FIR in all cells of the body

  • May be used by therapists to deflect biofeedback from clients

  • Naturally produces Negative Ions, aka “the well-being molecule”

  • May be placed over Chakra points for energy work

  • Helps to buffer energetic attacks and negative mental projections

  • Has been designed through sacred knowledge to help cloak the Astral body from lower vibrational energies

  • Wood layer serves as a rechargeable natural Essential Oil Diffuser



What's in a Wholoshield?​

​Wholoshields are made using the highest quality elements, such as jewelry grade non-toxic resin, a special blend of sustainably sourced crystals, precious metals such as .999 silver, 24k gold, anointed flaxcloth and other propietary elements. 

What is Residence Absorption in relation to FIR?

​Residence absorption is the ability to transfer energy between like masses. Our bodies radiate far infrared energy (FIR) through the skin at 3 to 50 microns, with most output at 9.4 microns. The palms of our hands emit far infrared energy between 8 and 14 microns. Quartz crystals emit around 10 microns. Because of the similarity between the two, the body gains the ability to assimilate crystals for far infrared energy. Each cell that receives FIR instantly transfers it to the cell next to it, causing a rapid domino effect and charging billions of cells in the body in the blink of an eye. FIR penetrates the tissues of the human body up to 1 1/2 inches.



Why can’t you share specifically what is in it?

Some elements need to be protected, mined, and used consciously. Regulating this information is part of the agreement to protect the Earth.​ It would also create confusion as others would try to imitate us without the full understanding that it is in how it is layered that matters. 



How is a Wholoshield different from Orgonite?

​Wholoshields and Orgonites serve different functions. Orgonite usually has heavy metals, like copper and brass or iron shavings. The Wholoshield does not. Orgonite is also typically not comprised of complex layers, while the Wholoshield process is highly intricate, requiring several days to complete. The Wholoshield provides a wide range of powerful energetic signatures and, much like a homeopathic remedy, transmits encoded information to the wearer. Orgonite is generally designed to pull in negative orgone energy and transmute it. In other words, orgonite was originally intended to be used in spaces, not worn on the body. The Wholoshield is designed to deflect, redirect, cloak, and/or shield against dissonant energy, depending on the type. For example, some stones can deflect mental projections and others can deflect astral energies. Having an element for each of the known vulnerabilities ensures a wide range of protection is available. Further, it works towards entraining and reinforcing the energy field of the wearer to a state of homeostasis.

What is the metal rod on the bottom of my orgonite?

​It is a proprietary shungite circuit discharge ground tab. It is designed to discharge the shungite daily. Shungite will aborb up to a certain point and once its carbon cages fill up it requires a ground discharge for it to begin functioning again. Shungite contains all but 2 of the elements in the periodic table. It is a special stone which is often misused. If placed inside a resin matrix without the ability to discharge it eventually it will become inert in its ability to trap ions. 






















​Should I align it to magnetic north?

Yes, but it isn't neccessary. Using a non-metallic ruler set your compass to magnetic north. Then, align any side of the pyramid to the ruler. Because the Orgonite contains metal if you try to use the compass on the Orgonite directly it will give a false reading. 


How does a Wholocymatics Orgonite+ differ from others?

​Wholocymatics employs over a dozen more technologies and strategies to attempt to PHI fractal restructure incoherent waveforms. Here are a few examples that we reveal.


The layering process ensures maximum complexity of hierarchy of metals distributed amongst a vast network of semiconductors and other rare elements never seen before on any orgonite known. We also are the first to design a discharge circuit that works within an enclosed matrix. Our pyramids are framed in wood crystals to maximize its sacred geometrical broadcast. We are the first and only ones currently to do this. 


Can you create custom tools and devices?

​Yes. Elisjah is a Master craftsman and will consider any unique suggestion big or small.



Where is my package?

All items are made to order in the order in which they were placed. Handmade items are worth the wait. Feel free to reach out for status updates but patience is likely the best response. Once it is shipped a tracking number will be sent out immediately. 



Where should I place my Orgonite?

I would place it in your room where you sleep or wherever you spend most of your time. It is an experimental device and ultimately it is meant to be experimented with. Canceling out incoherent noise during sleep which is when we regenerate the most seems to make most sense. 




Can I custom inscribe my devices?

It is possible if you inquire. Expect an extra fee. We make discernment on anything with a polarizing disposition and obviously reject any custom work with any negative cognotation.



What is in the Orgonite+?

17 total elements composing of 8 Fine metals, Including 24k Gold, .999 silver, Quartz points, Himalayan Wool, processed semiconductors, resin, circuits, rare stones and elements harnessing PHI fractal resonance, wood, processed PHI cavities and other proprietary structures and resin.



What is the meaning of the Symbols in the Wholoshield?

Symbols on one hand are an aesthetic aspect of the shield, and on the other hand are mostly Phi based fractal math, known as Cymatics. The fingerprint of all creation is found in Phi. All living things share in the same pattern of creation. When observing nature one could see these fractal patterns in sea shells, in flowers, and in the very proportions of humans. Mathematically it is written as 1.618, or the golden mean. Humanity over time has taken these patterns and appropriated them culturally and sometimes assigned meaning to them, the symbol remains pure regardless of its misuse or its attempt to be distorted. The occult world misuses symbols in this way to try and stain them but the symbol itself is often a clue to a mystery that is hidden for us, not from us. We perceive beauty often according to how proportionately sound to Phi it is and for this reason we choose Phi Sacred Geometry to illustrate what is within and without. 


We are careful not to associate our work with anything unclean as it would defeat the purpose. There are a few exceptions to pure geometric symbols used, these are Eye of Horus and Holy Spirit dove, The Eye of Horus is a cross section of the thalamus, Pineal gland and also directly related to the Egyptian culture which part of our family originates from.


The Holy Spirit Dove, is the greatest gift Humanity can receive exemplifying the Holy Presence of the Most High living within our temples and perfecting us as the final mystery.  

















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